Want lean and shapely legs? Here is a guide on how to get them.
What comes to mind when you see stunning women like Taylor Swift, Cameron Diaz, Kylie Jenner, Tricia Helfer and Tina Turner? They all have beautiful legs.
There is nothing as great as rocking shapely legs in shorts, miniskirts and leg-bearing dresses. Long and shapely legs have always been by women worldwide. So if you want to have them, follow these tips below for legs that are simply the best.
So, how do you get lean and shapely legs?
If you want shapely legs, pay attention to what goes into your mouth. If you are a regular eater of junk food, sugar or excess processed carbs, you can give up your dream of having shapely legs.
The truth is you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Exercise is only effective if you combine it with good nutrition.
Also, eating all that trash will cause you to gain unwanted body fat and cellulite all over your body and your legs.
So these are what you should eat on your journey to getting beautiful legs:
Aim to eat 150 grammes of protein a day. The best protein sources are eggs, fish, lean beef, poultry and pork.

If you are vegan, you can get your protein from tofu and lentils. Eating enough protein will help you gain lean muscle mass and is crucial for having shapely legs.
These foods will keep you full for a longer time. They aid digestion and bowel movement. That, in turn, leads to weight loss and general health. They are also high in vitamins and minerals that give you healthy skin.
Foods that are high in fibre include most fruits and vegetables, sweet potatoes and whole grains. However, eat them in moderation.
Fruits and whole grains because although they are high in fibre, they are also high in carbs and may cause you to gain excess body fat.
I eat more vegetables like cruciferous and green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits because they are lower in carbs but high in fibre. They are also delicious if you know how to cook them too.
These foods have no nutritional benefits and can make you gain unwanted body fat. Also, studies have shown that regularly eating refined carbs and sugar can increase your chances of obesity, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and diabetes.
Examples of these foods are cakes, white flour, margarine, pastries and soft drinks. Various exercises are good for building lean and shapely legs. Ideally, your fitness routine should comprise cardio, strength training and stretching to make it well-rounded.
So the best cardio for burning excess body fat and working your legs are walking, running on an incline and the Stairmaster.
If you are bottom-heavy and would love to reduce your legs, you should try cycling and using the elliptical instead.
Strength training is crucial for women who want shapely legs. However, there is something you need to take into consideration.
Different exercise routines give different results. Some leg exercises will make men look terrific but can have the opposite effect on women. If you want to build muscle in your legs, do these exercises with heavy weights.
However, if you want lean legs like a gazelle, do these exercises with light or no weights. These exercises are:

This exercise works the glutes, thighs and hamstrings. It helps strengthen and shape the muscles in those areas. Do 30 squats and increase repetitions as your fitness level increases.
It is an excellent lower body exercise that strengthens and stretches the thigh muscles for beautifully shaped legs.

They also put less strain on your back. It is suitable for bad lower backs. Do 15 lunges on each side and then switch to the right side.
This exercise looks simple. However, you will feel the burn. It works the glutes, calves and thigh muscles. Just get a sturdy stool or stairs. You are good to go.
Here is another exercise good for shaping the calves, inner thighs and glutes. Do 20 to 30 repetitions.

Do these after your cardio and strength training exercises. If you don’t add stretches to your exercise routine, you can get bulky, knotty leg muscles that most women hate. They are crucial if you want lean and shapely legs.
The following exercises listed below are excellent for stretching your legs. This exercise is good for stretching your legs after doing squats and lunges.
Knee To Forehead Stretch.

This exercise stretches your legs,glute muscles the spine, shoulders, hamstrings and calves. cRepeat three times.
This exercise stretches the whole back and legs. Repeat three times. Other exercises that are also effective are Pilates, yoga and dance aerobics.
Nothing screams sex appeal like silken hairless legs. To get them, try shaving your legs with a depilatory cream like Veet every three weeks. I am not a fan of using razor blades because you can cut yourself if you are not careful.
Also, shaving with razors can cause ingrown hairs that can be very uncomfortable. You don’t have to worry about that when you use shaving cream. You can also opt for waxing. Mind you, it can be painful and more expensive than a shaving cream.
The best removal treatment in my opinion is laser treatment. You will get the best results because it destroys the hair at the root. There is a minimal chance of regrowth, so give your legs their sleekest look.
If you have dead cells on your legs, they won’t look smooth and beautiful even if you do all the tips mentioned earlier.
It is because cells make your skin look dull and ashy. Exfoliate your legs once a week.You can try exfoliating your skin with this homemade body scrub. You will need the following ingredients:
Use it after taking a bath and rinse off. I tried this. My legs looked simply divine.

The next step you should take after exfoliating your legs is to make them soft and smooth. Ideally, do this after taking your bath for the best results.
Varicose veins can diminish the beauty of your legs. However, don’t despair. There are several for you to get rid of these unsightly veins.
They can be treated with a procedure called Sclerotherapy. It involves injecting a solution into the veins that will cause them to collapse and fade. Other treatments used to treat varicose veins are Phlebectomy, laser ablation etc.
So try these tips mentioned above and rock your gams Kendall Jenner style.
I’ve been struggling with my legs for a while now. I would love them to be a bit more firm but I haven’t had much luck in the past. I will definitely be trying some of these exercises and tips. Thank you for sharing!
They can if you practice these tips.
This is such an interesting and helpful post! Lean and shapely legs sounds ideal for me! That knees to forehead stretch looks painful just now hahaha but would be something to work up to absolutely!
Well, it’s not that painful. Practice makes perfect though.
Great post and tips regarding gaining shapely legs. Thank you for sharing on this topic. I’m honestly working on implementing these more as I’m doing so already. 😊
Pastor Natalie (ExamineThisMoment)
I’ve been working on my legs so the tips here are great ad-ons. Thanks for this one.
You’re welcome.
Great post!