10 key pieces to create a stunning capsule wardrobe.

10 Key Pieces To Create A Stunning Autumn Capsule Wardrobe.

10 Key Pieces To Create A Stunning Autumn Capsule Wardrobe. I’m going to be frank. I hate shopping. Also, Autumn is already here. If you are like me and want to look chic this Autumn, you don’t have to change your wardrobe.All you need are key clothing pieces you can add to build an Autumn …


10 HEALTHY CHRISTMAS SALADS YOU SHOULD TRY. Ah, Christmas! The love, the laughter, gifts and the opportunity to see family and friends who were absent throughout the year make it such a beautiful time.         Another thing I love about the yuletide season is the Christmas decorations, carols and delicious food. There are …

Amazing Christmas gifts for the woman in your life.

25 Amazing Christmas gifts for the woman in your life.

25 Amazing Christmas gifts for the woman in your life. Giving gifts is something I love. It’s something I enjoy but oh, gift shopping! It is something I don’t find exciting at all.    It does not matter who I am shopping for, be it a sibling, colleague, relative, friend, mother, girlfriend, wife or mother-in-law.  …

11 Exciting Things to Do And See In Cascais,Portugal.

11 Exciting Things to Do And See In Cascais,Portugal.    Close your eyes and imagine walking on a white sand beach with the warm sunshine on your face and the cool breeze blowing your hair. You stop and lie down under an umbrella with a cool cocktail drink in your hand. So heavenly.    This paradise is …

12 Exciting Things to Do And See in Bariloche.

12 Exciting Things to Do And See in Bariloche If Alpine-styled landscapes, pristine beaches, picturesque landscapes, lush green forests and chocolate are your thing, Bariloche should be on your bucket list. I have listed the 12 exciting things to do and see in Bariloche. Let’s find out! Where is Bariloche? This beautiful south american city …

7 Women Jewellery and Accessories to spice up your outfits.

7 Women Jewellery and Accessories to spice up your outfits. You know that moment when you’re staring into your closet and your clothes just seem kinda blah and stale? Ugh, I have been there!   But before you start thinking about a shopping spree, let me drop a good idea: let’s spruce up your wardrobe with …