7 Women Jewellery and Accessories to spice up your outfits.

7 Women Jewellery and Accessories to spice up your outfits. You know that moment when you’re staring into your closet and your clothes just seem kinda blah and stale? Ugh, I have been there!   But before you start thinking about a shopping spree, let me drop a good idea: let’s spruce up your wardrobe with …

How to look like a Bond Girl: Ultimate Guide.

How to look like a Bond Girl: Ultimate Guide. Can we take a moment to appreciate the jaw-dropping allure of Bond girls? From Ursula Andress rocking that iconic white bikini to Monica Bellucci’s enchanting presence, these ladies have left us mesmerized. And guess what? You don’t need secret spy gadgets to get that Bond girl …

Summer office outfits

15 Stunning Summer Outfits For The Office.

15 Stunning Summer Outfits For The Office.  Summer is here. Yeah! We love that time of the year because of the sunshine, warm weather and being able to wear beautiful clothes that would have been impossible during winter.     However, if you work in an office, getting dressed and looking professional during the hottest days …

lunch box, lunch box side dish, korean

10 delicious and healthy Thanksgiving side dishes you can try.

 Apart from that, I love it because of all the delicious food. I said it! I get to savour during that day like roasted turkey and side dishes. However, this year I have cleaned up my diet and decided to indulge as usual this Thanksgiving with healthier versions of the side dishes, I used to …